My visitors page

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  Name : Troy Ellis
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Gumtree ad
Comments : Hi can you please send me some photos of you current female pups you have for sale along with photos and info of the Parents thanks. Looking forward to hearing from you
Date : 12-Dec-23

  Name : Spencer Stuart
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Facebook
Comments : Interested in purchasing a pup from you. Thank you. Beautiful dogs.
Date : 8-Sep-23

  Name : Gavin O Regan
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us :
Comments : Just passing by .. saw your add on gumtree ..hopefully going to add a Boerboel to the clan . Maybe early next year . Do you breed often ?
Date : 16-Jul-23

  Name : Chaelee
Web Site : http://unknown
Country : Australia
How you found us : Through word of mouth
Comments : Athens Harley Quinn looks like an absolutely stunning dog, and looks as if she is really enjoying the great outdoors. I will definitely look Into purchasing from you soon. :)
Date : 31-Aug-22

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Contact Details

J Short
South Coast, NSW
Phone : 0403235261
Email : [email protected]